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Criminal Defense Services

07. Traffic Tickets and Suspended Licenses

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“Traffic Tickets/Suspend Licenses/Other Driving Offenses”


Most everyone at some point receives a speeding ticket or other moving violation. Although minor, convictions to such offenses can result in fines, increased insurance rates, and points on your driver abstract, that could lead to the suspension of your driving privileges. A dedicated and experienced attorney will help you to avoid such penalties and, when permitted, appear in court on your behalf so you don’t have to.


There are many reasons why your license may be suspended or revoked. You could have accumulated too many points on your license or failed to respond to a traffic ticket. A dedicated and experienced attorney will help you address the cause of the suspension or revocation.

Although many traffic violations are minor, some could lead to a criminal conviction, loss of your license, or jail time. Criminal traffic violations include but are not limited to leaving the scene of an accident, reckless driving, and unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle (AUO).


If you’ve been charged with a traffic ticket or other driving offense in Albany County or the Greater Capital District, contact the Calabrese Law Firm, PLLC, for a free consultation.

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33 Elk Street, Suite 103

Albany, NY 12207


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